Episode #50: The 5 Ways to Find Your Life Purpose & Creating Your Future
Taking the mystery out of women’s hormonal issues, struggles and the many things that dance in between.
Today’s Guest: Adam Harman Banning
We are all on a journey, and the road can get pretty bumpy. At times, it may appear impossible to navigate. Sometimes, we don't know where to turn or what to do to fix the "stuckness."
Finding life's purpose and creating one's future is why I invited my next guest, Adam Harman Banning, to THLZ. He is a dear friend and colleague.
For the past 35 years, Adam has established himself as a recognized lecturer in the fields of Functional Medicine and Consciousness. He has hosted & co-hosted numerous radio programs in NYC and Los Angeles on natural healing and meditation. Adam has authored two books on human potential and mysticism: "Seeing the Angel in the Mirror" and "The Official Wizard's Training Manual."
He is an incredible "Life Purpose Coach and Business Mentor. I love Adam's approach to coaching because he's so approachable and has the gift of helping people access their unique life purpose to ensure their personal success.
How do I know? Adam has been instrumental in what I do as a Women's Integrative Health Practitioner and Acupuncturist and how I show up in the world.
Getting clear on our life's purpose and creating balance and direction paves the path for abundance, health, joy, happiness, and our soul's growth. This just makes me want to go on a road trip in my mini-cooper with the top down, the radio blasting, and no GPS!
Sweet Lovelies Welcome to The Hormone Lifestyle Zone.
Contact Adam Banning Harman: Text: 310-999-7877, email: theadamharmanshow@gmail.com