Episode #42: What You Need To Know About Breast Implant Illness
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Taking the mystery out of women’s hormonal issue, struggles and the many things that dance in between.
Today's Guest: Sarah Phillipe
Over 315,000 women get breast implants annually in the U.S., and 1 out of 4 will go on to develop breast implant illness.
Nearly three years ago, I planned to do an episode on breast implant illness, and for various reasons, I couldn't record the podcast. This time around, I wanted to create a podcast that included a holistic practitioner who had tumbled and rumbled through the "breast implant illness journey." Just a few weeks ago, I serendipitously connected with Sarah Phillipe and asked if she would share her story on THLZ and without hesitation she said YES!.
Sarah Phillipe left her conventional nursing career as an RN to become a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Sarah also happens to be a badass, Breast Implant Illness Expert!
Sarah experienced an array of symptoms starting within six months of her breast implant surgery. Her symptoms continued to escalate– including extreme fatigue, rashes, aches/pain, Hashimoto's, endometriosis, and fertility challenges. Sarah believes the solution to reversing breast implant illness is much more than just the explant. It's also about women taking personal responsibility for restoring their health by addressing the root causes contributing to chronic breast implant illness, that include toxicity, infections, trauma, and shame.
She also uses her personal experience to guide women through the sea of misinformation about breast implant illness in hopes of helping women find their path to true and lasting healing.
Grab a cup of tea or include us on your daily walk as we explore what every Sweet Lovely needs to know about “breast implant illness”.
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